Monday 22 August 2016


The last time I tried blogging I still held some fantastical hopes of literary success. That was over a year ago - although this shouldn't be seen as a depressing insight into my thwarted ambitions, more like the fact I've been too busy to write. Or I've been telling myself I've been too busy to write. Actually, procrastination and a lack of good topics are the main things that have kept me from writing since then, and neither are exactly good excuses.

I've been meaning to start a new blog for a while. I don't hope this will lead to a job or a career in writing - only that sometimes a topic comes up and I get the itch to explore it. It's probably an ego thing that I feel inclined to publish my thoughts online and not jot them down in a journal. But isn't all writing somewhat of an ego thing?

I'll skip the obligatory listing of details and points about my life, I'm sure they'll slowly slip out in the writing anyway. Just thinking about how long it's been since I treated writing as something to do daily shows me how much I've changed since then - different career ambitions, different place to rest my hat, different person (not that those things should add up to a person).

I still don't quite know what to do with a blog. I haven't decided on any particular "theme". I just want a space to broadcast my thoughts. I can't seem to escape the pull of writing; I've noticed most figures I admire, whether they label themselves as a "writer" or not have writing in the background of their lives. Many people say they don't know what they think about something until they've written about it, which is somewhat true of myself. Although I'll stick by the idea that the ego fuels writing too, as if a thought that only remains in the head isn't as good as one shared with the world.

The label of "writer" is quite strange actually: Winston Churchill is said to have read a book everyday, and most don't even know that he was one of the most prolific writers on the planet in his time. If he was boxed in only by this label then history might have been a bit different. I love the thought of having writing as a side companion in my life - none of the pressure of it being my main pursuit, but a helpful guide instead. (And no, this wasn't my way of drawing a connection between me and Winston Churchill).

That's about all the explanation I feel is needed for now. I've already got a few topics I've been wanting to write about for a while so this site should give me a good place to voice my views. Don't worry they won't all be so largely about me. So thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the blog.

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